by Jenni Green
Posted: over 2 years ago
Updated: over 2 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: None
Ends: 07:15pm (duration is about 1 hour)

In this workshop, you will learn how to stretch effectively after sport in order to prevent injury, recover faster and develop better functional movement!

If you participate regularly in sport, certain muscles may become very tight due to over usage while other muscles become shortened and tight through continuous contraction. In this workshop you will learn effective and targeted stretching techniques for a wide range of muscles in the body including hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, quads, glutes, back and chest.

Doing a set of ’gliding stretches’ as soon as you get back from a run, bike ride or sports match, will not only help you to lengthen out the muscles while they are still warm and more pliable, but it will help you improve your flexibility. This in turn allows your joints to move through a range of motion more fully with less effort and helps prevent your risk of injury in the future.

Good flexible muscles also use less oxygen compared to tight, shortened muscles so in the long term your efficiency increases. It is essential that all your muscles should allow you to move through a normal range of movement.

Open to anyone – Men and Women
Cost: £21.50 per workshop


Bia Cycling

  • [2022-Feb-26 05:59 PM] Jenni Green: Updated

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